The origins of CO2 Winery

Jean Philippe RICARD, engineer and entrepreneur, has been designing and deploying fermentative CO2 capture and recovery systems for over 10 years. After selling the VALECARB® process (SEDE ALCION) to Veolia in 2021, it has designed complementary offers to enable wineries and wine estates to reduce their carbon footprint, cut costs, optimize their processes and promote the circular economy.

Matthieu Planté

In 2021, he joined forces with Matthieu Planté, also an entrepreneur, with an activity specializing in the wineindustry that meets the economic and environmental challenges of wine growers (

In 2022, the CO2 Winery offer was launched to provide a global response to the various possibilities for capturing and recovering fermentative CO2

Five processes for the valorisation of fermentative CO2 are proposed: VALECARB®, LESSALCO®, CO2VINIF, COMPCO2, CO2 WATER.

We are available for a dedicated study.

CO2 Winery

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