About CO2 Winery

The origins of CO2 Winery
CO2 Winery is an offering from W Platform.
Founded by Matthieu Planté and Jean-Philippe Ricard, this startup offers equipment for capture and recovery of fermentative CO2.
With this offering, W Platform targets winemakers to enable them to reuse their fermentative CO2 within their winery.

Jean Philippe Ricard
Jean Philippe Ricard, engineer and entrepreneur, has been designing and deploying fermentary CO2 capture and recovery systems for over 10 years.
After selling the VALECARB® (SEDE ALCION) process to Veolia in 2021, he has designed complementary offerings to enablewineries and wineries to reduce their carbon footprint, cut costs, optimize processes and foster the circular economy.

Matthieu Planté
Matthieu Planté, a committed entrepreneur, has dedicated his career for over
25 years to creating added value
for his customers through innovation.
In 2021, he joined forces with Jean Philippe Ricard to found a start-up dedicated to the capture, analysis and recovery of CO2 discharges in breweries, industries and wineries, integrating a circular economy approach.
In 2022, the CO2 Winery offer is launched to provide a global response to theenvironmental challengesofwinegrowers through variouspossibilities for capturing and valorizing fermentative C02 in wineries.
The offer is aimed at all winemakers interested in innovation and who wish to capture their fermentative CO2 and reuse it through various processes.
Today, CO2 Winery offers five fermentary CO2 recovery processes:
- CO2 Aroma
- CO2 Snow
- CO2 Ice
- CO2 Water
- Less Alco